What’s interesting is that Innsmouth no Yakata uses a unique dual analog sort of set up, but with directional pads. Your character brought his gun to the mansion. You aren’t alone in the halls of this mansion monsters are also present and are hungry for your flesh. This set up makes it feel more restrictive than a typical FPS game. Left/right allow your character to turn, and down backs up. You view the action from a first person perspective and pressing up moves you forward one tile. The environments in Innsmouth No Yakata are tile based. This doesn’t play like a typical first person shooter.
That’s because this game features branching paths and the route you take is based off of how you play the game. There are forty five levels in total but on any given playthrough you’ll only see thirteen. Gameplay consists of wandering the halls of the Inn searching for items and eventually an exit door to reach the next area. Innsmouth No Yakata is the sole first person shooter in the Virtual Boy’s library. Supposedly this game is based on an old story by H.P. Outside of the opening sequence, and the ending (of which there are many based on how you play) there’s no story exposition. You play as a private detective in the early 20th century who must retrieve the book of necromonicon from an inter-dimensional estate located in a haunted forest. The game is very vague when it comes to its story and I had to do some internet sleuthing to even figure out what it’s about. After some hunting I got my hands on a copy, and here are my thoughts.

This game is Innsmouth no Yakata, and it was released only in Japan. Imagine my surprise when I learned that the Virtual Boy actually had a first person shooter released for it! Equally shocking was when I discovered that this title was horror based and had its share of survival elements as well.